Chris Bliss, You Rock!

Grab a cup of tea, sit back, turn up your speakers and click this link:

Adjust the window so it’s a little smaller and you’ll get better clarity.

There was something so beautiful about this amazing act of impassioned juggling, I’ve never, ever seen anything quite like it. It made me cry, but perhaps it was just that incredible Beatles song. No, it was the way the music inspired Chris Bliss and his unusual talent.

Don’t miss it.

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Listen To This

My friend and coach extraordinaire Eva Gregory co-hosts an internet radio show called "The Thrive Factor" on Voice America. Eva and her co-host Dory Willer have some absolutely fabulous guests on this show, AND you can call in and ask questions! Very fun.

But the real reason I am telling you all this is because back in January, Eva and Dory interviewed Lee Glickstein of Speaking Circles International, and this past weekend, I finally listened to the archive of that interview and I recommend it highly!

To find the archive is a little tricky. Just go to the Voice America site, then click on the link that says "Content Library." The link to "The Thrive Factor" is under the first heading, which is "Advertising/Marketing/Public Relations." Click on that link, and at the bottom of the page is a list of the archives. Lee’s interview was on January 19, 2006.

I’m sorry I can’t give you a direct link to the interview. Voice America uses frames for their site so a direct link doesn’t show up. Just keep going until you find it!

As many of you know, I trained with Lee back in 2001, and I just love the essence of what he teaches. He really is the master of what he calls, Relational Presence, which is the ability to just be with your audience, one person at a time, in a receptive, effortless state of being. Check out how Lee describes Relational Presence by following this link to the Speaking Circles website.

But don’t forget to check out the interview, and then mark your calendars for "The Thrive Factor" on Thursday mornings, 9:00 am Pacific.

Graphically Speaking

My friend Judy Baker of Completely Creative just turned me on to this blog entry from Dave Shea of css Zen Garden. I don’t know what css Zen Garden is all about, but I do know that  Dave has some very good, down to earth tips for giving presentations.

Of the eleven tips he has written in this entry, I especially love this one:

Tip #6     Be prepared to allow for spontaneity.
You can’t really plan for the asides and diversions that you might make while on stage, but allow them to happen when they do. Often you’ll explore a related idea that ties in with your main points nicely, and it’ll work its way into future presentations.

There are some other good ones, like:

Tip #3     Pause.
Get used to taking small pauses here and there, to take a sip of water, to collect your thoughts, to slow yourself down, or whatever else. It’s okay to have a few seconds of silence.

Check it out and let me know what you think.
And it’s true. Powerpoint is evil.

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Become the Star You Are!

That’s right. It’s time for you to let the Star you really are shine, shine shine!

You are invited to the premiere of "Become the Star You Are" — a weekly, drop-in TeleClinic where you can get the tools and support you need to speak or perform in public with confidence, ease and your own kind of creative charisma.

THIS IS WHERE you get your questions answered and your concerns addressed.

To find out more and to register, go here.

Do you want to know how to engage with your audience and make an authentic connection?

Do you want to know why you sing better in your car than you do when you’re on stage?

Or maybe you just want to be able to tell a joke at a dinner party without feeling like a nervous wreck.

What’s up for you relative to speaking or performing in public? Well, that’s what we’ll work with during the call.

Oh, you can’t make the call at that time? No sweat. All the TeleClinics will be recorded for your listening pleasure, so register now and start shining!