Entries by unconditionalmaster

Public Speaking – Setting Up a Story

Last week, I was working with a client who had created an impressive presentation on the people of New Guinea. He had created a PowerPoint presentation, that consisted of these gorgeous photos he had taken himself during a trip to that far away land, that he augmented witih his many stories of his trip and […]

What Is Confidence?

I’m always yackity-yacking about confidence but I have I ever fully defined it?I don’t think so. At least, not here on this blog. But I am inspired by a recent post at Parent’s Eye View that actually used a dictionary definition of confidence that felt rich, complete and accurate. I am especially facinated by the […]

Mister Rogers Was a Confidence Guru

"Why in the world couldn’t we use this thing called television for the broadcasting of grace through the land?" — Fred Rogers It’s Friday night, and there’s nothing on T.V.  It’s a good time to sit back and watch a YouTube video that might just make you cry. My buddy Andy Wibbels turned me on […]

Why Am I Presenting This Challenge?

Some people are asking me why am I talking about a World Drunk on Appreciation challenge on a blog dedicated to fearless self-expression and confident speaking. Because I want to. Ha! No, the real reason is that this challenge is all focus. Focus and Feeling. Two of the most powerful tools we can use when […]

A Technorati Technicality

I apologize to my Feedblitz Friends who are going to receive this post in their email.Please pay no attention.I had to post this bit of code in order to get Technorati to recognize this blog. Technorati Profile But I’ll be back with something substantial any second now.